Sunday, June 16, 2013

How To Create an Animated Image(.Gif)

GIF –Graphics Interchange Format A type of image that contains several images in a single GIF file. Applications that support the animated GIF standard, GIF89A, cycle through each image. GIF animation doesn’t give the same level of control and flexibility as
other animation formats but it has become extremely popular because it is supported by nearly all web browsers.
Here is an example of A gif image.
Note: If you are using operamini it wont display until you download it
What you can use a GIF image for.

You can use a gif image to create animated images on your website,blog, also as a wall paper or screen saver also you can use it to create a customized display picture(DP) on your blackberry..

How Do i create My Gif image.

There are many ways and there are many softwares on computer you can use in creating your gif image.
Here i will teach you how you can create a gif image online without using any software.
STEP1: visit
save all the images you want to use for the animated image in a folder. Go back to the site then click on the Upload Images button, Locate your folder then choose all the images you save earlier then click open, all your images will start uploading one after the the right side of the website you will see control panel where you can edit the gif ,the speed e.t.c.
After setting all this click on Create Now…….then click on Download now….Your animated image is ready now…Drop your comment if you have any problem with this tutorial..


Here's another interesting and Hot tutorial from the stables of the gurus in here. We actually are giving this to you all so as to let you know we are committed to providing the best for You always and this gonna Be A big source Of Income For You.

Today we'll be taking you on a Little tour about A wonder Site I Stumbled across Some Days back. A site that gives you the perfect Serial Key to All Version of Software On Your Computer.

Step 1. Visit And input the software you want its key.

Step 2. When the software with the different versions open. Choose the one with serials.

Step 3. After taking the one of your choice a new tab opens with your serial key as shown above.

::.This Tips Can Fetch You Little Cash If You Know what You are Doing.::
How To Transfer Megabytes To Another MTN line?
Before I begin, make sure you have enough Megabytes on your MTN line if not you will get an error
1.  Dial *131*2#  and choose ‘Register Data Service’. Once you choose that, a text will be sent to you that you have successfully registered on Mtn services and your default pin is ‘0000’. Just follow the instruction their and change your pin.
2. Click on Data Share
3. Add Beneficiary
4. Enter Beneficiaries Number
5. Enter the amount of Mb you want to transfer.
That’s it.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

iOS 7 looks great, but can it lure this Android user?

Apple's new mobile OS looks beautiful, but Crave's Eric Mack is still waiting for an irresistible "one more thing" to woo him away from Android.

iOS 7 is still not quite the Droid I've been looking for in an iPhone.
I've been an Android devotee for about three years now, but ever since the introduction of the iPhone 4S and Siri -- something totally new running on a nice piece of hardware -- I've been considering making the switch to iOS. As intriguing and enticing as the 4S was, I balked due to the lack of LTE. The iPhone 5 fixed that, but by then iOS seemed stale to me, and the lack of any major new innovations kept me tapping away on my aging Droid Razr and led me to declare that the iPhone and the ascendant Apple of this century's first decade had peaked. (Actually, the phrase I used was "jumped the shark" -- I suggest reading the original post for an explanation.)
So I watched with great interest on Monday as Apple unveiled a reboot to its mobile operating system in the form of iOS 7, which is being hailed as beautiful and ambitious. Osho3mtech editors have dubbed it a "radical new look" and part of Apple's "quest for perfection and the devotion to creating objects of profound and enduring beauty," as our Dan Farber put it.

From what I've seen of the OS, you'll hear no disagreement from me, but I'm still left comparing Apples and Androids.
If you believe in the old adage "save the best for last," as Steve Jobs clearly did, iOS 7 was meant to be the headliner of Monday's presentation. But the sum total of the updated mobile OS seemed to amount to Apple playing catch-up, and mostly to Android.
I haven't gone hands-on with iOS 7 yet, and I'm basing my opinion largely on Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi's very likable and effective sales job. But as many others have observed, the touted updates he and his colleagues ran down -- everything from improved notifications to unlimited browser tabs and an easily accessible control center -- have been old hat to Android users for some time now.
Arguably, the most anticipated new feature, iTunes Radio, is a clone of Pandora that's not even as robust as another competitor, Spotify. And, oh yes, Google launched its own streaming music service a few months ago.
I'm really waiting for Apple to wow me again like it did with the iPhone 4S and the introduction of Siri. Since then, it's Google that has been capturing my imagination through advances like Google Glass and Google Now. (The company has apparently also been gaining in popularity with the young folks, too -- a recent survey found young people have a significantly higher opinion of Google than the legendary maker of iPhones.)
Shall we could settle this with a friendly

Accuse me of being an Android fanboi if you like, but I'm actually an innovation fanboi. And I'm not the only one who failed to be super-excited with what we're seeing this week from WWDC, as analyst Mark Moskowitz points out.
"We do not expect investors to cheer the latest software and services rollouts at Apple's WWDC 2013," Moskowitz said in an investors note released late Monday.
He says investors are waiting to see a lower-cost iPhone and a new and improved iPhone 5S and higher-resolution iPad Mini.
Those of us who don't hold stock in Apple are simply waiting for the return of a company that could be counted on to deliver excitement in each new release and show us the way to the future. Like millions of others, I'm invested in the Android ecosystem right now, but I can be wooed away by a tech company that's willing to put in the hard, innovative work and earn my love.
Fine with being fickle
The good news is Apple is capable of doing just that. Now that it's all caught up and matching most of Android's features one for one, it's primed to again provide us something wonderful that we don't even yet know we want.
Tim Cook has told us to expect some incredible new products later this year, and it would be crazy to count Apple out at this point. After all, this is a company that was all but written off 20 years ago.
So, while what Apple has shown me this week with iOS 7 sure is pretty, I'm still going to hang out with the robot clan for a while longer. Still, I have no problem with being fickle and I'm ready to be swept off my feet at any time. Maybe Apple and I can make a date for sometime in the fall?

How to install Android apps on your BB10 phone

No matter how slick the new hardware is or how hard BlackBerry strives to convince us that its new BB10 handsets are the cat's meow, there's still one massive stumbling block -- quality apps. Apparently even the BlackBerry faithful agree and intrepid tweakers have stepped in to fix the situation themselves.
Read on to learn how you can quickly take advantage of free BlackBerry 10 apps that others have kindly ported from Android. Best of all, the entire process takes minutes and loading apps to your Z10 or Q10 just a matter of seconds.
Gather your tools
So here's what you'll need to get started: a BlackBerry 10 smartphone, either the Z10 or the Q10, a Windows or Mac computer with Google's Chrome browser installed, and a Wi-Fi network that both can connect to.
Put your BlackBerry 10 device into Development Mode.

Prepare your BlackBerry
The first step is to flip your BlackBerry 10 phone into developer mode. Within the BlackBerry Hub or any home screen grab the pull-down menu from the top of the display. Click Settings, Security and Privacy, then tap Development Mode. From there switch on Development Mode by hitting the software switch next to "Use Development Mode."
A word of caution here. You will be prompted to choose and enter a Development Mode password before the setting kicks into effect. Make sure to create one that's easy to remember or write it down somewhere.
PlayBook App Manager to the rescue
Now you'll want to fire up your computer's Google Chrome browser and download the main software tool you'll be using. Head over to the Chrome app store, search for an app called the PlayBook App Manager, then download and install it. This works for Chrome on both Macs and PCs, by the way.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

When you encrypt a file or a hard drive, is it really secure?

There's no such thing as perfect security. Someone with sufficient time and money, and a strong enough motive, can crack anything.
So the real question becomes: Is your encryption secure enough. And the answer is: If your encryption software uses a recognized and respected standard such as AES or Blowfish, and you use strong passwords and take other precautions, it almost certainly is. 

If given enough time or processing power, any password can be cracked through a brute force attack--where a program throws words and random character strings at an encrypted file until it stumbles upon the right password. But with a sufficiently strong password, the time and processing power required is just not practical.


To get an idea of how quickly a password can be cracked, check out How Secure is My Password? When I tried the word password, the web site told me that a conventional PC could crack it "almost instantly." On the other hand, if I used a random string of eight lowercase letters, my files would be safe for all of 52 seconds. But a string of 18 characters, including digits, punctuation, and upper- and lowercase letters, would remain safe for "3 quintillion years." I think that's sufficient--even assuming the use of hardware more powerful than a single PC.
But back up your strong passwords with other good habits. Always be suspicious about possible scams. Keep your security software up to date. Never share a password with anyone with whom you wouldn't share a credit card account. And if a Web site offers two-step verification, use it.
When you come right down to it, your security system doesn't have to be 100-percent impenetrable. It just needs to be harder to crack that most other, equally-tempting targets.
See Learn to use strong passwords for more on protecting yourself. And read the original forum discussion.

Friday, March 22, 2013

                    ANDROID APPS DOWNLOAD





The Z10 Has Arrived In The U.S.



After several delays, broken promises, and doomsday prognostications, BlackBerry’s next-generation smartphone, the BlackBerry Z10, hits U.S. stores tomorrow.
For a company still eyeing a comeback in the brutally competitive smartphone business, the U.S. launch of the device represents a particularly critical turning point. Despite the BlackBerry falling from grace here, the U.S. is still the device’s largest market, representing 20 percent of total subscribers, according to an analyst. A successful launch that attracts old and new users alike could provide BlackBerry with the fuel to turn itself around. But should the Z10 come out cold, BlackBerry could be looking for a buyer within a year.
Yes, the stakes are that high for a company that once reigned over the smartphone world, its trademark Qwerty keyboard phone holstered to many belts in corporate America. Since then, BlackBerry has fallen on extremely hard times, its market share and stock price withered from their prime just five years ago

 The day has finally come. The new Blackberry Z10 has been released on AT&T for $199 with a two year contract. If you are a Blackberry fan and on T-Mobile or Verizon, you are going to have to wait a few more days. If you are with Sprint — like me — you will not get the chance to purchase this phone. Sprint has announced that they will only be carrying the Blackberry Q10. Now for me, it’s is worth the wait for the Q10. I love that QWERTY keyboard.

Google is getting a smart watch too?

First Apple, then Samsung, and now Google. Word has it that another tech giant is working on its own wrist technology being developed in its Android unit.

A smartwatch boom seems to be going on. Besides smaller companies debuting new wrist technology, the tech giants are also grabbing for a piece of the pie.
Google is the newest company to supposedly be stepping into the watch world. According to The Financial Times, Google's smartwatch is allegedly being developed by the company's Android unit rather than its X Lab.
This is telling because it means that, unlike Google Glass, the company may be looking to get a consumer product out to users on a speedier timeline.

How to customize your Facebook page for free

Give Facebook a near-complete makeover by using the free Social Fixer add-on for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and other browsers not named Internet Explorer.

Facebook's built-in customization features
There's a boring sameness about Facebook profiles. Pretty much all you can do is add profile and cover photos, change what appears on your timeline, and tweak the contents of your news feed. The Facebook Help Center provides instructions for adding a profile picture and cover photo; adding, hiding, and deleting items on your About page; and customizing the content of your news feed.
There's also information in the Help Center that describes customizing the appearance of a Facebook Page. According to Facebook's Managing a Page section, Pages can be created only by people who are "the official representative of an organization, business, celebrity or band."
Not being an official representative of anything or anyone in particular, I'll have to leave the Facebook Page crafting to someone else, alas.

Give Facebook some personality with Social Fixer
Just because Facebook hasn't placed much emphasis on customization to date doesn't mean we're stuck with the layout and options the company offers. The Social Fixer browser add-on spiffs up your Facebook account with such features as news-feed tabs, feed filters that let you direct specific items to one of your tabs, image previews, and themes.
Social Fixer works with Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, and other browsers, but not with Internet Explorer. I tested the Chrome version of the add-on. The first screen of the program's seven-step setup wizard lets you choose the recommended settings or a "minimalist" approach that turns off most of the add-on's features by default.
The option to place application and game posts in separate tabs on your news feed is selected automatically on the setup wizard's second screen. The third lets you customize the chat list by removing the chat sidebar and replacing it with the old pop-up chat list. You can also show all online friends on the chat list (this option is selected by default), or use a compact chat list that does away with thumbnail images.

How to Enhance Your Router With Open-Source Firmware

The stock firmware included on many broadband routers takes advantage of only a fraction of the hardware's capabilities. We explain how to use use powerful open-source firmware to unleash the beast in your router.



As the number of connected devices in our homes and offices continues to multiply, the limitations of many consumer-grade broadband routers become increasingly apparent. Not so long ago, many users had just one or two systems connected to the Web through their router. But today, many users have multiple smartphones, tablets, printers, laptops/notebooks, and desktop systems connected to their routers, along with such consumer electronics devices as Blu-ray players, HDTVs, and game consoles.
When a basic broadband router has to juggle so many connected devices simultaneously, bad things can happen. If you're lucky, everything works; but for many routers, the load that the connected devices impose becomes excessive, resulting in poor performance or instability.
One potential solution is a drastic upgrade to open-source firmware that can increase the performance and enhance the stability of many routers, and also add lots of new features.

Prepare Before You Commit

Flashing open-source firmware on a broadband router isn't particularly difficult, but the broad range of routers currently on the market means that the process varies from one device to another. If you decide to give open-source router firmware a try, we strongly recommend that you conduct all of your research and obtain all of the files necessary for completing the task before making a single modification; a little prep work will help ensure that the process goes smoothly.

About Mobile Number Portability(MNP) in Nigeria:  



  Where the Director of Public Affairs of the NCC talked about MNP in Nigeria:

So, What is Mobile Number Portability?

MNP will enable a subscriber move from his service provider (donor) to another (recipient) without losing the number he/she already uses (eg change from MTN to Glo Mobile without losing his/her MTN number).

When you request to change your service provider, the recipient provider will issue you a new sim card but you will still retain your phone number. This simply means a subscriber can keep his/her phone number when changing from one service provider to another despite the change in the SIM card of the subscriber.

For you to understand the processes involved in MNP, you have to familiarize yourself with the terms below:

  *Port In: joining a new service provider

  *Port Out: leaving a service provider

  *Subscriber : The customer that owns the number to be ported

  * Recipient: The service provider that a subscriber is changing to

  *Donor: The service provider a subscriber is changing from.


If subscriber A wants to leave MTN for Glo Mobile, it means subscriber A is porting out of MTN and porting in to Glo. MTN in this example is the donor, while Glo Mobile is the recipient.

So, How Do I Change My Network Without Losing My Number?

If you want to change your service provider, you will have to visit a recipient operator via one of its points of sale such as office, friendship centre, high street store, corporate sales team, or authorised dealer.  For example, if you want to change from MTN to Glo, you will have to visit a Gloworld outlet or a Glozone shop to request for MNP.

When you get to the office of the recipient, you will be issued MNP request form to fill. You must have a valid proof of identity with visible photograph, your SIM must be ACTIVE, you must be able to provide the serial number of your SIM card and you must have registered the active SIM card.

A new SIM of the recipient provider will be issued to you and the SIM will be registered at the office. You will be informed to text "PORT" to 3232. If you fail to send the text, the request will not be honoured.

The recipient provider will forward your request to NPC (Number Portability Clearing House ) where validation will be carried out. If validated OK, the SIM will be activated and you will be informed.

Once your new SIM is activated, any airtime you have left on your old SIM will be wiped off and calls you make thereafter will be billed according to the default tariff plan of your new service provider BUT your phone number will still remain the same.
